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The Cultural Fit - Bringing cultures together

Milan Markovic,  Content Creator
Milan Markovic
Content Creator
4 min tiempo de lectura

Do we fit together? In the Cultural Fit we try to find out if we and you fit. We want to create a good working environment and atmosphere. So this step is very meaningful to us. You got our attention with your application! Hence we will contact you to proceed with the application process. Here you can read how the Cultural Fit works and what to expect from the interview in three easy steps. 👇

1. Arranging the Cultural Fit

Our fiskaly team will reach out to you to arrange an interview for the Cultural Fit. You only need to enter your availability in the calendar link which is attached to the “Interview Availability” email. After that, you will get a confirmation email when your interview will take place. Please be sure to check your spam folder too - sometimes our emails end up there. One thing is for sure: I was thrilled with how quickly and professionally the arrangement took place for my Cultural Fit.

2. Are we a cultural fit?

The answer starts right here. On the one hand, we want to plunge right into our culture with you and show you what it means to work for fiskaly. On the other hand, we would like to get to know you as a person. The main question is: Do we fit together? There are two different approaches depending on what position you are applying for.

Non-technical Cultural Fit

From the non-technical point of view, questions about your preferred working environment, your experiences in the past, and how you react to criticism are good starters for us to get the conversation rolling. In addition to that, we like to ask about your accumulated knowledge in the respective industry you applied for. Hint: Prepare for those questions.

Technical Cultural Fit

The technical cultural fit is adapted to applicants who applied for a job in one of our development departments. It is similar to the non-technical Cultural Fit regarding the starting questions, but we like to spice it up by asking development related questions like “Did you ever make a mistake which led to a site/app crashing?” and “What was your reaction to that? What were your learnings?”. Our main goal of the interview, regardless of whether it is the non-technical or the technical Cultural Fit, is to get to know you as a person. It helps us find out if you are a great fit for fiskaly. We like to chat in a relaxed atmosphere and I can assure you our fiskaly employees are very dear so there is no need to be nervous. 😄

3. It's time for questions 🤓

The Cultural Fit is coming to an end and now it’s your turn to ask questions. We are happy to answer everything you want to know. Whether you have questions about our culture, about fiskaly, or our interviewers: Don’t be shy, just ask. We at fiskaly hope you like our Cultural Fit as part of our application process. If our cultures fit together we can’t wait to meet you again in our next step: The Skill & Team Fit.

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Nuestra cultura hace de fiskaly un Great Place To Work

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