Ukraine, we want to help and support
The war in Ukraine is shocking and alarming. With every further day, it is becoming harder to grasp the brutality against this peaceful nation.
For me, Johannes Ferner, CEO of fiskaly, the war in Ukraine is a personal matter. While doing my Master’s degree, I spent a semester in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Kharkiv was known to be a wonderful city with beautiful and relaxing locations, also famous for its tech experts. Further I got the chance to see Kiew, a magnificent capital with many historic sights.
I experienced the free country of Ukraine when the Maidan events were starting out. In this time I got to know amazing people striving for a democratic and free nation. These people and their values are now under heavy attack.
I made invaluable Ukrainian friends during that time. I can not just be a bystander. It is time to act.
Our startup, fiskaly, was founded 3 years ago. Now it employs more than 35 people out of 10 nations. We believe in an open and diverse world, and as a company we developed two ways how we can help.
First, we changed our recruiting targets. We support people who are now dislocated from their homes or aim to migrate. We offer them access to either Austrian or international employment at fiskaly. We assist people in getting the “Red-White-Red”-card (Austrian work residence permit).
Second, we have contributed € 10.000 to the international Red Cross co-founded organization “Nachbar in Not”. We are going to continue supporting the charity focused on helping people in Ukraine.
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I can not imagine what the Ukrainians are going through right now. We sincerely hope and wish them all the best. Stay safe and stay free! This war is driven by a select group of people in the Russian leadership. We want to refrain from reinforcing stereotypes about nations and their people, no matter Russian, Ukrainian or any other.
#staysafe #staystrong #peoplecomefirst
And one more easy thing I'm asking you for - make yourself aware and share infos on how you can support locally!