Certificates and Associations

Our products require high demands on data protection. Certificates and associations guarantee the high quality and compliance of our solutions.

We love certificates

Our certificates ensure the secure operation of our products and the conformity of fiskaly SIGN DE and SIGN ES. All of them are also available for download.


Spain - Bizkaia

TBAI Compliance


Spain - Araba

TBAI Compliance


Spain - Gipuzkoa

TBAI Compliance

fiskaly in facts

More about fiskaly
cloud-fiscalization#1In Germany
more than700Customers
member of8Associations
100%Complianceas a service
more than6Certificates

Proud to be a part

fiskaly is active in various associations. Together with our partners we address relevant topics in the areas of retail, digitization and innovation.



Alliance for Cyber Security



ICC International Chamber



Wirtschaftskammer Österreich


All blog posts

1 min read

fiskaly receives certificates for Spain

Our product SIGN ES received the official certificate of registration from the Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia. We are now also listed as an official distributor for the Basque provinces Bizkaia, Araba und Gipuzkoa.
2 min read

New application decree to the AO by the BMF

The new version of the Application Decree for the Fiscal Code (Anwendungserlasses der Abgabenordnung, AEAO) brings significant changes, especially in the area of taximeters and odometers. In addition, there is news on DSFinV-K and the reporting procedure for cash registers at the tax office. Would you like to be informed about the latest updates? Then register for our webinar!
Billing software developers talking
9 min read

Software in sync: latest Veri*Factu & e-invoice news in Spain

On November 6th, 2023, the Spanish tax authorities (AEAT) hosted a seminar tailored for software developers and vendors. During this event, they shared various updates regarding the Computerized Invoicing Systems (SIF), VeriFactu, and the mandatory adoption of electronic invoicing. Here's a rundown of the key highlights!

Get in Touch

  • Interested in partnering with fiskaly or have a project to collaborate on? Let's have a quick chat!
  • Many companies in Germany, Spain and Austria already trust our solutions. fiskaly is thriving and expanding to other European markets is around the corner.