Why SIGN by fiskaly.
Easy API integration
Our API easily integrates with your POS system so that you can comply with TicketBAI and Ver*factu without any software change.
Data management
Processes - such as rollout to all customers - are automated via the management API.
Fully certified
We provide all certificates you need for the compliant operation of fiskaly SIGN ES.
Resource saving
Automation, easy data management, no hardware - environmentally friendly and resource-efficient.
Seamless integration
SIGN ES is seamlessly integrated with all fiskaly services - even across countries.
Free testing
Get to know how easily and efficiently our system works before signing a contract.
over6 billiontransactions
more than650kactive POS
over97%satisfaction rate
Verifactu for software vendors in Spain 2024 - 2025
Get ahead of the competition and turn fiscal compliance into an advantage with a comprehensive guide about Verifactu. Get to learn in detail about:
- What the Antifraud Law and the Verifactu systems are
- Who is affected and the implications of the law for software developers
- How to avoid penalties for non-compliance
- Technical requirements and how to adapt your software seamlessly
- Verifactu API: what is it and how to integrate it into your software
SIGN ES highlights
All blog posts

Software in sync: latest Veri*Factu & e-invoice news in Spain

The future of invoicing in Spain with e-invoice
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- We're here to help with any questions and find the perfect solution.
- Over 800 companies trust our fiscalization solutions. We've got you covered!