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TicketBAI and BATUZ in Bizkaia

Isabel Nogales,  Country Manager Spain
Isabel Nogales
Country Manager Spain
3 min read

A Basque Country legislative initiative aims to prevent tax fraud by complying with the TicketBAI obligation. In Bizkaia, TicketBAI is part of the BATUZ economic activity control strategy. The obligation for compliance with this system has been established by the Foral Decree 5/2020, of July 15th. Here you will learn more about TicketBAI's implementation in Bizkaia.

Requirements in Bizkaia

The TicketBAI software in the billing or POS system must generate XML files for each transaction and sign them with a digital certificate. It also provides a QR code and ID code to print on the invoice. The invoices are chained by the software into a sequence so their trace can be verified in a sequence and the XML files are stored for an established period of time.

XML Files differ in Bizkaia

The content of the XML files in Bizkaia slightly differs from the content in the other two provinces. For instance, sending the details of each line or the recipient's address is not mandatory.


Besides implementing TicketBAI, taxpayers in Bizkaia will have to send the LROE books (Book of economic operation registries) to Bizkaia's Provincial Council. The TicketBAI XML files are included within the LROE books. The LROE books must be sent every trimester before April 25th, July 25th, October 25th, and January 31st, depending on when the transactions occurred.

SII obligations in Bizkaia

In Bizkaia, TicketBAI and LROE replaces the SII. However, those companies already compliant with the SII system will have to keep sending their registries every four days (or according to SII deadlines).

BATUZ with TicketBAI deadlines in Bizkaia

BATUZ and TicketBAI are initially implemented on a voluntary basis in Bizkaia before becoming mandatory for all activities at the same time. Here you find the deadlines:

01/01/2022: Voluntary period starts.

01/01/2024: Mandatory period starts for all economic activities.

Bizkaia - official websites

For more information, visit the official websites.

Find detailed information for each of the Basque Provinces in our blog

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