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Watch now: Complete Webinar Series “Fiscalization in Spain” 2023/2024

Victoria Waba,  Content Marketing Manager
Victoria Waba
Content Marketing Manager
5 min read

Over the course of our webinar series “Fiscalization in Spain”, we provided a holistic overview of Spanish fiscalization regulations to guide you through the process of understanding fiscal regulations, ensuring compliance, and integrating efficiently with our SIGN ES API.

All sessions are now available to watch in English and Spanish.

Portrait of fiskaly Business Development Manger Isabel Nogales with the webinar title TicketBAI and Veri*factu

Part 1: TicketBAI & Veri*factu

Presented by: Isabel Nogales (BizDev Manager), Elias Priesching (Head of Sales), Eduardo Jacobo (BizDev Manager)

This webinar covers:

  • Legal obligations
  • Technical requirements
  • Penalties for non-compliance
  • Implementation timeline
  • The Veri*factu and TicketBAI legislation and its impact

Watch the webinar: Fiscalization in Spain - TicketBAI and VeriFactu

Portrait of fiskaly Business Development Manger Isabel Nogales with the webinar title

Part 2: Legal Foundations

Presented by: Isabel Nogales (BizDev Manager), Rocío Arquiola (Marketing & PR Manager Spain)

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • The legal basics of TicketBAI and Veri*factu
  • POS and software requirements
  • Chaining and signing of records
  • Data archiving and maintenance
  • Offline operation
  • Regulatory compliance

Watch the webinar: Fiscalization in Spain - Legal Foundations

Portraits of fiskaly Business Development Manger Eduardo Jacobo and Key Account Manager Lucia Dolce with the webinar title

Part 3: Invoices and Digital Receipts

Presented by: Eduardo Jacobo (BizDev Manager), Lucia Dolce (Key Account Manager)

After this session, you’ll know all about:

  • Different types of invoices
  • How to correct invoice errors
  • The benefits of digital receipts and how to seamlessly implement them in your business

Watch the webinar: Fiscalization in Spain - Invoices and Digital Receipts

Portraits of fiskaly VPE Philipp Paulweber and Backend Developer Lukas Crepaz with the webinar title

Part 4: Technical Integration SIGN ES

Presented by: Philipp Paulweber (VPE), Lukas Crepaz (Backend Developer)

In this webinar, our experts give you detailed insights into:

  • The basics of our SIGN ES API in the context of Spanish fiscalization
  • Technical details for a better understanding of the product
  • An effective onboarding process with our dashboard API
  • How to set up and launch SIGN ES
  • Daily operations
  • Regulatory requirements and compliance
  • How to validate the data accurately
  • Secure and efficient data transmission

Watch the webinar: Fiscalization in Spain - Technical Integration SIGN ES

Portrait of fiskaly Customer Success Manager Malina Helleis with the webinar title

Part 5: Technical Integration for SIGN DE Customers

Presented by: Malina Helleis (Customer Success Manager), Laura Leithner (BizDev Manager)

The last part of our series is aimed specifically at customers that are familiar with our SIGN DE API. If you’re already using SIGN DE and plan on expanding to Spain, the following topics will equip you with essential information:

  • Similarities and differences between SIGN DE and SIGN ES
  • Efficient and robust integration
  • Invoices and digital receipt endpoints

Watch on-demand webinar: Technical Integration SIGN ES for SIGN DE Customers (English)

Watch on-demand webinar: Technische Integration SIGN ES für SIGN DE Kunden (German)

A woman working on her business fiscalization with her computer
12 min read

All you need to know about fiscalization in Spain 2024

How much do you know about the fiscalization landscape in Spain? In this article you'll learn about the different tax regulations, who is affected by them and when they will come into force. Explore all the details about TicketBAI, the new Antifraud law with VeriFactu, SII and the Crea y Crece law and its mandatory B2B e-invoice here!
Billing software developers talking
9 min read

Software in sync: latest Veri*Factu & e-invoice news in Spain

On November 6th, 2023, the Spanish tax authorities (AEAT) hosted a seminar tailored for software developers and vendors. During this event, they shared various updates regarding the Computerized Invoicing Systems (SIF), VeriFactu, and the mandatory adoption of electronic invoicing. Here's a rundown of the key highlights!