Head-on Solutions: Cloud-based KassenSichV compliance with SIGN DE
studiolution, the web-based POS software from Head-on Solutions GmbH, fiscalizes with fiskaly SIGN DE and thus enables a simple end-customer experience
Head-on Solutions had to fiscalize its cash register product studiolution as part of the German Cash Register Security Ordinance (KassenSichV). When selecting the fiscalization solution, a cloud-based product was crucial, as studiolution is a web application that is operated exclusively in the browser and does not contain any hardware components. With a Germany-wide user group, studiolution aims to offer its customers a compliant POS system that meets all legal requirements without each individual customer having to be familiar with the technical details.
About Head-on Solutions GmbH: Clever solutions for 'big, little business'!
Nuremberg-based Head-on Solutions GmbH develops cloud software with a focus on digitizing local businesses such as hairdressing salons, beauty salons, tattoo studios, and medical practices, thereby making them more successful. Head-on Solutions GmbH was founded in February 2015 by Ralf Ahamer - formerly CEO of hotel.de AG and CMO of XING AG - and operates the internet platforms studiolution.com and studiobookr.com, among others.
studiolution.com is the all-in-one appointment & POS system. It includes functions such as appointment scheduling, customer management, cash register systems, marketing solutions, finance and statistics, payment systems and even time recording solutions, including an app for the customer file. In addition, studiobookr.com offers search and booking functionality as a B2C online booking platform.
Both platforms - studiolution.com and studiobookr.com - specialize in hairdressing salons, fitness, beauty, massage and tattoo studios in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Further sectors and functions are under development. In addition, studiolution is multilingual and multicurrency capable.
The challenge
When the topic of fiscalization gained prominence, Head-on Solutions GmbH decided to find a solution right from the start and was faced with a complex challenge. As a cloud-based company, they were looking for a legally compliant solution without hardware components or local data storage. The solution also had to be easy to roll out to customers across Germany and affordable for small businesses. Choosing the right provider was crucial in order to satisfy their customers, further expand the all-in-one platform and ensure the continued existence of the company.
The requirements of Head-on Solutions
studiolution attached great importance to a legally compliant and cloud-capable solution in order to successfully implement fiscalization in accordance with KassenSichV. The simplicity of the solution was essential for both internal development and end customers in order to ensure smooth implementation and offer "one-click" fiscalization. Proactive customer support was expected in order to process inquiries quickly and professionally.
The fiscalization of our checkout products was a complex task for us. We were looking for a solution that was legally compliant, could be seamlessly integrated into our cloud-based system and would not drive customers to open store checkouts. Using hardware TSSs was not an option as this was impractical for both our business and our customers. Our requirements for a fiscalization solution were therefore clearly defined: it had to be cloud-based and user-friendly to enable a smooth implementation for our customers across Germany.
Ralf Ahamer, CEO studiolution
Head-on Solutions GmbH held intensive discussions with various providers and tested different fiscalization products and hardware TSS. The decision was made in favor of the cloud TSS fiskaly SIGN DE, as its simplicity was convincing and proved to be the ideal addition to the web-based POS solution.
The solution
With fiskaly SIGN DE, the perfect solution to the fiscalization problem was found. The cloud-based TSS fulfills both the legal requirements and the requirements set by studiolution without compromise. Thanks to the smooth integration of SIGN DE into the studiolution system, customers can be offered simple "one-click" fiscalization as a seamless component of the cash register and management system. The solution can also be passed on to end customers at low cost.
The successful collaboration with fiskaly enabled Head-on Solutions GmbH to focus on its core competencies and offer its customers a first-class all-in-one system. The fast integration of the fiscalization solution into the studiolution system enabled a compliant implementation without business interruptions. The support of fiskaly simplified fiscalization, impressed the development team and improved customer retention. Head-on Solutions GmbH's vision of making small businesses successful is further strengthened by the ease of fiscalization.
Working with fiskaly proved to be a golden opportunity for us. Their cloud-based and user-friendly solution met all our requirements and enabled a smooth implementation of fiscalization. The decision to choose fiskaly as our partner proved to be the perfect choice. With their solution, we were not only able to meet the legal requirements, but also easily support our customers and provide them with an optimal fiscalization solution.
Ralf Ahamer, CEO studiolution
The results
- Fiscalization of the system
- Compliant POS system can be put into operation by end customers with one click
- End customers can only purchase a legally compliant POS system from Head-on Solutions
- Partnership with a future
Why fiskaly?
fiskaly is the No. 1 fiscalization solution for companies: As the market leader for cloud TSS in Germany, we have the experience and expertise to help you quickly and efficiently implement and successfully operate cloud-based fiscalization via API.